Thursday, August 31, 2006

Growing pains

I just lost the post I was writing. GRRR!! Tessa came home today from school all excited to be selling candy bars. Once I got her to come in the house she lays on me she wants to join the orchestra. I can hear you laughing Julie. I remember forcing Alicia and Brenna to take music. I thought if I did not say anything to Tessa it would just kind of go away.

She thinks that a small violin would be cool and apparently she was tested and came up matching with the trumpet. Now, after her shower she asks when she can start shaving her legs. NOT YET!! John and I said that together. I really do not care that her little friends have started. I want her to be a little girl for just as long as she can be. I can see the changes, and quite frankly, I am not ready for them. I wonder what she sees when she looks in the mirror? Till next time...


This morning I truly woke up wanting to rip off someones head, and I have no idea why? I thought that maybe later it would get better, NOPE! I found this little photo that made me laugh, and I know that Mom is not going to when she sees it. I guess this will show that I am human.

I have sat in the house and listened to the wind just whipping outside. It kind of matched my mood. John is such a lucky boy to be at work today. I just need to find my smile before he comes home! Till next time...

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

I really do not know what to write today. I was thinking when I walked home from taking Tessa, Fall is here. The leaves are starting to fall, there is that certain smell in the air. The mornings are nice and cool, I could really enjoy this new season. The one that follows is not my favorite. I HATE shoveling snow!!!

Jerry, do you remember that desk of Grandpa Glenn's? The one with all the photos under the glass. Here is a photo to remind you, I was not able to get the whole desk into one shot. The house always seem so quiet and full of memories. I sometimes look up to the kitchen window and expect to see Grandma standing there doing her dishes. What are you memories of that place? Did you ever sneak over there to watch TV? We know all about you pestering the cattle from the hay loft and poor Grandpa getting made when they started to run. I have to close now as I have to get Tessa to church for Missionettes. Till next time...

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

It eats the field

Originally uploaded by Dakota1980.
Brenna shared some photos she took while out in the field helping Leon. He got himself a new combine this past December and it is the first harvest he gets to use it. He is actually not driving it, but at least it is eating up the field like Brenna described it. She thinks it has a 40 ft. header on it. There is a photo of her friend standing by the front tire. She is a tall girl so that tire is HUGE!! If I understood Brenna right, the back tires on this are the size the front tires used to be on older models. I cannot write about each photo that I have, so Jerry I hope you will go and look at the others. I may not have them all uploaded but will eventually get it done. Till next time...

Monday, August 28, 2006

So much for it being a quick trip

Originally uploaded by Dakota1980.
Saturday was the day to get the furniture that Alicia and Gregg are putting in their new home. Gregg, John and I went up to mom's to make the haul back. Gregg took his Dad's pickup and a flat trailer. There was a bit of stewing over whether everything would make it back ok. They strapped everything down and tried to make sure that it would not rub against each other.

Dad was very concerned about the china cabinet that was Grandma Helen's. I was so relieved when we finally made it to Alicia's and everything was ok. We did have to stop numerous times to restrap those darn pillows. They kept wanting to work loose. The wind has a way of doing that when you are going 75mph down the interstate. The ride was rather fun, just talking those 2 guys ears off. It is kind of amazing the things you can learn about a person when you are stuck in a vehicle for a few hours. Till next time...

Friday, August 25, 2006


8-25-2006 001.jpg
Originally uploaded by Dakota1980.
Mariah gets to stay with us tonight. The look on her face would suggest this was torture. NO, it is simply that I asked her to smile and she knew her face was really messy. Tessa has her Bratz out and Mariah brought some of hers and let the fun begin. I guess the blow up beds are going to be used tonight. I really do not know why Tessa likes to sleep in the living room, but maybe it is easier since it is really hard to get to her bed.

Tomorrow, John, Gregg and I are driving to Mom's to get some furniture that Alicia and Gregg are going to use in their new house. She wants to stay home with the girls and get some work done at the house. Till next time...

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

School is here

Originally uploaded by Dakota1980.
This will have to be a short entry. School is here and it really did not put a smile on Tessa's face as you can see. We went to open house last night and when she got home promptly burst into tears. All her friends were in another room and she wanted to be there also.

This morning I mentioned to her teacher that she would really like to be in the other room. She did not think it was possible as it was a very full room. I was not really upset about it, but Tessa said she was not going to go to school.

I get a call this afternoon from her principal asking me if it was ok to put her in that other room. I had to laugh as I told her the story of how Tessa wanted to be in there in the first place. She said I must have been praying and I said yes I was!!

I walked to school to tell Tessa the news and she was not really as excited as I thought she would be. You see, she found out that it was ok to be in that first room. I guess that is why they do not let kids makes those kinds of decisions for themselves. I wonder at the reason for all this change. I know there is a bigger plan and I have to trust HE knows what is the best for us. Till next time...

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The New Project

Originally uploaded by Dakota1980.
John was a busy boy while I was in South Dakota. We had talked about expanding the flowerbeds for awhile. I just got so tired thinking about the work that would go into getting them the way I like. I recieved some Iris bulbs in the mail and that was part of his reason for doing it now.

Julie made it home for Germany. She stayed overnight and was not as lively as before she left. Hmm, could she have been a bit jet lagged? Tessa is enjoying her last day of summer down at her friend's house. She had her ears pierced and her hair cut so I guess we are ready. Tonight is open house when we go and meet the teacher and take all the supplies that are required.

Just got back from taking Nakita on my walk. I have to kind of laugh as she is pooped. (I have to say I am also.) Gee, don't I live an exciting life. I do have to say that my friend Susan did a nice thing for me today. She made me lunch, it has become a yearly tradition. It is this dish with just zucchini, onions, rice, cheese, tomatoes and bacon on the top. Sounds kind of strange right, YUM MOOO!!! John just roared up to the house, Till next time...

Monday, August 21, 2006

Parking with Horses

Originally uploaded by Dakota1980.
First, I have to say how disappointed I am with my photos. I am still learning how to get the right settings on my camera and well, all I can say is GRRR!!! We arrived at the fair rather late. Janet and her crew were just getting done with the job of parking the cars with the horses. Janet had rode Wiggly as Cody was having problems with her the night before. Her knees were killing her, and as you can see in this photo she had kicked her feet out of the stirrups. I am amazed by how well Jess does with only one eye. They put that blue thing over her so that little kids would not get freaked out. I tried to take a photo of her eye, but it was rather difficult to really get. I guess this night, Jasper backed into a car. Brenna said that after awhile, he would just start to act up as he did not like all the cars and noise. Jerry, it kind of looks like fun doesn't it? Till next time...

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Moments while sitting in the bleachers

Originally uploaded by Dakota1980.
Friday morning was the time for Cody to show his sheep. This being my first time at the fair had no idea how long all this can really take. It takes HOURS for all these 4Hers to show their animals. Cody is so tall in comparison to his sheep that just watching him made my back ache. Tessa and Trey kept themselves busy playing in the corn box. I am sure you have heard of a sand box. This was full of corn. It kept all the little people busy. I rather enjoyed just watching the people. I must admit I was relieved when we had a break and could get up and walk around. It was back to Janet's camper and time to feed everyone before the cattle showmenship that afternoon. Till next time...

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Mariah's Birthday

Originally uploaded by Dakota1980.
I am finding that I can get photos on this blog if I go by way of Flickr. I have already blogged on her birthday, but here is a photo to go with it. Her cake had little Bratz all over it. NO she is not 21, but those napkins were from when Alicia turned 21. Can not waste anything you know! Till next time...

Waiting patiently

Originally uploaded by Dakota1980.
The day of Alicia's wedding was just plain long. No one knew how long that photos would take so planned with plenty of time and were left kind of twidling our thumbs for a hour or more. Doesn't Dad look cute sitting there in his suit. Janet in a dress, well we just had to get as many pictures and possible as it might be years before that happens again. I think everyone was just gratefull that it did not turn out to be as hot that day as it was before. The little church the wedding was in did not have windows you could open. Gregg's Dad had brought in a few fans and so it was comfortable. Right now, I am waiting for mom to come and get us. The wait is always the hardest thing for me. Till next time...

Off to the Fair

Every year Mom takes Tessa with her when she goes to the Brown County fair. Tessa would always try to get me to come with, but I was always so happy to just have a couple days to myself that I would say no. This year, for reasons that I do not even know, I said YES! I still do not know if Dad is coming with or what time Mom is leaving. I just have to be patient and if any of you know me, that is not easy.

Brenna has been down there since Monday, staying with Janet. They always park cars with the horses. This year they are staying in style with their new camper. I guess there will be more details later when I return home. Till next time...

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Brotherly Love

Julie started to tell me these funny stories while trying to get this site to work. I guess you can tell that so far it is not as we were not ABLE to upload any photos here. GRR!!!!! I am really not sure when or how these stories all started, but Jerry if I could just find a photo of you and the funny hat you got at Disney World I would put it here once we get this problem fixed.

Do you remember scaring Julie with this story about a pumkin head? Do you remember using one of those trick or treating buckets shaped like a jack-o-lantern? Do you remember putting it in the window of Julies room with a flashlight and then placing that awfull 3 cornered hat on top of it? Do you remember hearing from Mom," Jerry, did you just try to scare you little sister?"

Julie has vivid memories of this moment and when she tells this story I just about fell off my chair laughing!! I guess you also pulled the trick of putting tabasco sauce in an ice cream cone. I had to laugh as I remembered putting some on my finger and asking her to taste it. I am surprised that girl even speaks to us.

Jerry, do you remember stripping her barbie doll? She sure does, althought you would never admit it, she knows you are the one that did it. I guess you took the doll and then layed all the clothes beside it in perfect order. I wonder what was going throught your head at the time!!

She brought me the disk that has the whole north-40 site on it. I am going to see what I can pull off there to use on these other sites. I think I will close for now. Hey, Jerry, did I at least get a smile? Till next time...

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Mariah's Birthday

This past weekend we celebrated Mariah's 6th Birthday. The weather did not cooperate for us to be in the park, so everyone met out at the farm. They are not moved in yet, but cardtables and chairs were brought out so that there was a place to sit. The rain came as Gregg was trying to grill. He and his Dad were soaked, but that was the least of the problems. There were no utensils for taking the meat off the grill. They improvised and used one of those tools that you put spackle on the walls with. (It was clean of course!) :) It was fun to watch Mariah open her gifts. The expression when she saw a couple packages of underwear. She was quick to hide those under her seat. I guess she in already getting a bit modest!! She recieved many cute clothes and Alicia remarked she wished she could fit them. I do not think that they were really all that much to small for her. Till next time...

Monday, August 14, 2006

First attempt

Julie, this is more for you guys than anyone. I am going to have Juls help me tomorrow when she comes to make sure you can see photos off of Flickr. So, let this experiment begin!! Till next time...
myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics