Thursday, August 02, 2007


John and I had gone to pay a bill and try to find something to work with our threshold problem. We come home to get Tessa for a drive and low and behold, SHE HAS DONE SOME CLEANING!!! I mean real actual work. She had vacuumed, put clean dishes away and something else. On the computer screen was a note asking if we would PLEASE take her school shopping for all her hard work. Do you actually think there is hope yet?

Today was really not so bad. I had my first experience with the network not really wanting to behave. When a person's job depends on the computer, that can be a bit frustrating. My trainer-boss was in a board meeting and could not help, so I just winged it till my time to go home came. I hope that tomorrow she can show me how to enter tenant files. There is a crap load of them to get scanned and into the system. I mean boxes and boxes. All I can say is that glasses are a gift from God. I would be totally lost with out them. The day ended with such a lovely evening. John watered the flowers and I sprayed for weeds. I think I need more of Dad's concoction though. How are all of you? TIll next time...

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