Thursday, September 28, 2006
Parent Teacher conferences
In an hour I will be sitting outside my daughter's classroom waiting my turn to hear how she has been doing in school. I have always been a bit nervous about this. She has never really had any behavior problems, she saves all her charm for us at home. In the past, math as been a problem. I guess I will have to try and be patient and wait to see what the Teacher has to say. Till next time...
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
What age would you like to be?

That was the cute question asked us yesterday at bible study. I had to think, as I had really never thought to much about my age. I listened to the ladies as most of them were really happy right where they were. Some wished to be younger just for the fact the younger body can do more activities. One wanted to be much older for the fact there is wisdom at that age. My answer, to go back and visit when I was at UND with my girls. I still think those were some of my best years. It was just the girls and I against the world for the most part.
This morning, as I walked Tessa to school. The air was so crisp. Tessa was disappointed that she could not see her breath. I guess if you can see your breath, then you can do walk to win in the gym. I had to laugh as I went home, I actually did see my breath a few times. The photo here was taken with my cell as I was walking home. I just loved how the rising sun was lighting up the leaves on those huge trees! Till next time...
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
A rare moment
I have started this bible study by Beth Moore called 'When Godly people do unGodly things'. I am taking this at a church that is not my own. It has never been a problem, but today for some reason, a conflict rose up in me. I do not even know how to put into words the emotion that was going through me, but I am the kind of person that tends to shut down when conflict arises.
I know that we are all brought up with a different view sometimes of what the Bible is trying to tell us. Today it was shockingly obvious!! I heard someone say that prophetic was a thing of the past. It was not relevant for us in this present age. We had just been talking about how they felt like we were in the end times. The verse that says men will see visions in the end times popped into my mind. I had to use my friend's bible to search it out. I was to chicken to read it, but thank goodness she was not. The verse in Acts 2:17-18. They seemed to just sit there and then said, do you want me to ask my pastor about it. What good is that going to do? Is he going to say that it is not relevant? I was shaking my head on the inside and trying to keep a smile on the outside.
We have always been asked to keep our remarks nondenominational. Just stick to the bible. I think that is what I was doing today. Anyways, I will just continue to learn what Beth Moore is teaching and try to get something out of the discussions, the part that I have always dreaded. Till next time...
I know that we are all brought up with a different view sometimes of what the Bible is trying to tell us. Today it was shockingly obvious!! I heard someone say that prophetic was a thing of the past. It was not relevant for us in this present age. We had just been talking about how they felt like we were in the end times. The verse that says men will see visions in the end times popped into my mind. I had to use my friend's bible to search it out. I was to chicken to read it, but thank goodness she was not. The verse in Acts 2:17-18. They seemed to just sit there and then said, do you want me to ask my pastor about it. What good is that going to do? Is he going to say that it is not relevant? I was shaking my head on the inside and trying to keep a smile on the outside.
We have always been asked to keep our remarks nondenominational. Just stick to the bible. I think that is what I was doing today. Anyways, I will just continue to learn what Beth Moore is teaching and try to get something out of the discussions, the part that I have always dreaded. Till next time...
Sunday, September 24, 2006
Mocha cake
This recipe always reminds me of Grandma O'Brien. My mom tells me that she used to make it at Christmas every year. I do not remember that. It is so easy and good, so enjoy! TIll next time...
Mocha Cake
1 package white or yellow cake mix.
13/4 cup milk
2 eggs
Beat as on box
Jelly roll pan "11x15"
20 minutes at 350 degrees
1/3 cup softened butter
11/2 tsp vanilla
3 Tablespoon sugar
Sprinkle with ground peanuts on top.
(I found it worked really well to use a pampered chef cheese grater for doing the nuts)
Mocha Cake
1 package white or yellow cake mix.
13/4 cup milk
2 eggs
Beat as on box
Jelly roll pan "11x15"
20 minutes at 350 degrees
1/3 cup softened butter
11/2 tsp vanilla
3 Tablespoon sugar
Sprinkle with ground peanuts on top.
(I found it worked really well to use a pampered chef cheese grater for doing the nuts)
Friday, September 22, 2006
This week was going to be an experiment of whether or not I could stay way from chatting. I did quite well, of course, it helped that I was helping my friend with her bathroom. What a great way to keep my mind off that.
The bathroom turned out so cute. I wish I had a photo of just the bathroom. Susan is in it and so it did not seem fair to put it here without her permission. (If she gives it, I will put it here).
Have you ever been so curious about a person and never saw them? You get to know them through words, with nothing visual to mess up an impression? Yesterday, I had the pleasure of see a friend for the first time. I had to laugh, as I found out he does actually know how to smile. I always have everyone that sees me comment on my smile. I do not know why, as it is just a smile like everyone else's.
I am still sounding a bit like a man. For those that know me, they will know what I mean. Every time I get a cold or chest cold as this is, I LOOSE my voice. John and Tessa just smile as they know I can not raise my voice like I like to sometimes. Good grief, this particular entry has really gone off in what is called BORING! I will close and maybe later be able to do better. Till next time...
The bathroom turned out so cute. I wish I had a photo of just the bathroom. Susan is in it and so it did not seem fair to put it here without her permission. (If she gives it, I will put it here).
Have you ever been so curious about a person and never saw them? You get to know them through words, with nothing visual to mess up an impression? Yesterday, I had the pleasure of see a friend for the first time. I had to laugh, as I found out he does actually know how to smile. I always have everyone that sees me comment on my smile. I do not know why, as it is just a smile like everyone else's.
I am still sounding a bit like a man. For those that know me, they will know what I mean. Every time I get a cold or chest cold as this is, I LOOSE my voice. John and Tessa just smile as they know I can not raise my voice like I like to sometimes. Good grief, this particular entry has really gone off in what is called BORING! I will close and maybe later be able to do better. Till next time...
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
I just shake my head

I think you just have to have a sense of humor when you see a photo like this of yourself. I am sure at the time I must have thought that was a great dress. OH LORD, what was I thinking. This is probably the last family photo where I am taller than Jerry. I kind of wish I knew the year this was taken. Till next time...
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Our Weekend

This weekend has gone way to fast. Friday, I had the girls here as there was no school. I usually expect them to well not always get along. I have to say it went rather well. I would have really like a nap or 2. I gave up getting just a quick cat nap after being interrupted both times. The girls watched a move in my room. I really do not know why it is so fun to watch a movie on my bed, but whatever works I guess. Tessa and Mariah went to the Sleepover at our church. Mariah only was able to stay a couple of hours. In a year or 2 she will be old enough to actually try and stick it out till morning. Alicia and I went to a Pampered Chef party at Susan's. She kitchen is looking so awesome after she painted her cupboards a nice white color. It was nice to be with the ladies and just listen to them talk. Then the rain came!!
We woke up to rain, and decided it was not going to be a morning to go to a parade. Tessa has stayed awake until after 2am sometime. She was tired and well CRAPPY! Imagine that . Those of you that know Tessa, you know what I am talking about. I convinced her to go back to bed and we had to wake her up at noon. It was just nice to really not have to do anything. I know that John likes it when he is not expected to do this or that around the house or yard.
Well, Tessa was not happy that I said she was going to start going to Sunday School again. I think the class she is in as changed so much that she fears it. I also know she needs what is being taught there. I went to Pastor Ron's class. It was so GOOD. It is a video series called Under Cover by John Bevere. John had to work for awhile so I was at church alone. I have to get used to it as we are not going into the busy season!
The activity that was not done this weekend enough was Tessa practicing her violin. I guess that is a habit that needs some work. I hope you have all had a good weekend! Till next time...
Saturday, September 16, 2006
I really am not picking on you
Friday, September 15, 2006
OH , Happy Birthday Jerry

Now I am not sure that was what was going throught my mind, but that cake sure looks good. (Those are Tessa's words!) She also thinks that I look like this little girl in our church because of that red hair. I remember that spoon rack and that old black phone that was a rotary dial. I am so glad we are past all that. Till next time...
Too much time on your hands?
Thursday, September 14, 2006

I am going to let this photo speak for itself. It is only going to mean something to family. The minute I saw it, I had to catch my breath. I have no idea who is on behind Ronna, and right now the name of that pony Janet is riding escapes me. The large white horse is Misty and of course we have Grandma Helen there with the girls. This is one photo I would love to just be able to walk right into. I am sure the year is about 1980's or so. More to come in photos, but it will take time. Till next time...
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
Shirley's Makeover
A woman named Shirley was from Beverly HIlls. One day, she had a heart attack and was taken to Cedars Sinai hospital. While on the operating table, she had a near-death experience. She saw God and asked, "Is this it?" God said, "No, you have another 30 to 40 years to live." Upon her rec overy, she decided to stay in the hospital and have collagen shots, cheek implants, a face lift, liposuction and breast augmentation. She even had someone dye her hair. She figured since she had another 30 to 40 years, she might as well make the most of it. She walked out of Cedars Sinai lobby after the last operation and was killed by an ambulance speeding up to the hospital. She arrived in front of God and said, "I thought you said I had another 30 to 40 years?" God replied, "Shirley! I didn't recognize you!"
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Jesus is watching you
One night a burgular is trying to break into a house. He's sneaking across the lawn when he hears a voice- 'Jesus is watching you!' He jumps, turns around, but he doesn't see anything. So he starts creeping across the lawn again. "Jesus is watching you !" He hears it again. So now the burglar is really looking around, and he sees a parrot in a cage by the side of the house. He says to the parrot, "Did you say that?" The parrot answers "Yes I did." So the burglar asks, "What's your name?" The parrot says, "Clarence." The burglar says "What kind of stupid idiot would name his parrot Clarence?" The parrot laughs and says, "The same stupid idiot that named his Rottweiler 'Jesus'.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
House of the King

Beth told a story the first night about being invited to this Restaurant called Casa Del Rey. I guess the food was awesome and what better place for her to go, as she LOVES mexican food.
The next night she was saying how the name of the resturant translated into the house of the king. She was just so thrilled by the goodness of her lord. The message of this conference was of us being invited to the table of the king. I guess I hope that you can see the wonderfull correlation between her message and the invitation to this resturant. Till next time...
2 Days of pure heaven

I was given the blessing of spending the last 2 days with a good friend at a Beth Moore conference. We left Friday morning for Soiux Falls, SD. It was so nice to be in a hurry to get there. I had been a bit worried about my little bladder infection totally making this trip miserable. I am so grateful that I went to the Doc to get antibiotics.
We found our motel with out any problems and even had time to go and walk around the mall. Supper at Olive Garden was such a treat. This is a place that I can not get my family to eat at. Yummy!!!

We had decided before hand that we did not care if we got seats close to the front, as long as they were at the end that was fine. The line of ladies was amazing!! 6,500 ladies were crammed into the Souix Falls Arena.
The services were amazing. The worship team did an amazing job. This one song I need to try and see if they have it on one of their cd's. Beth spoke on the Table. I can not tell all of the detail here as this would make the entry way to long.
We stayed at the Motel 6 not far from interstate and the arena. The room was not fancy, but we were both excited to be able to sleep in a bed by ourselves!! The only thing that kind of scared us was the toilet. You cannot imagine the sounds that thing made. You would think it was going to swallow you alive!
It was hard to have to say goodbye to our little trip. We stopped at the Falls Park there. I was wishing I had my actual camera and not just my camera phone. Kind of a cute little place to visit. The drive home was filled with good conversation and a stop at Alicia's house. I hated to say goodbye, but hope that it will be repeated sometime in the near future. Till next time...
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
A wonderful lunch

John and I had the pleasure of Julie's compnay for lunch today. We went to the Green Mill and what can I say? The food was great and the conversation even better. Julies started to tell some stories, and truly I hope she puts into words this one story.
Jerry, do you remember hitting the house with your car? Julie sure does and I almost choked on my food as she told me the story. I guess as you came in whipping a cookie, she was sitting in the room next to the entry talking on the phone and felt the need to make a quick escape. If I am recalling this correctly, she remembers hearing you say, "Oh, God!" I still have to chuckle when I think about it.
John played around with the cemet making those little stepping stones. It is going to be a learning process. The one in the photo was looking so nice and then Tessa stepped on it and it cracked in half.
Tessa has made one with her name and I guess we will see tomorrow if it is ok.
Tessa is determined to take orchestra and learn to play a violin. Tonight we went and rented one for her so that she can start taking lessons at school. The photo shows her holding it, and I wonder if she will be smiling in a few weeks as she gets tired of practicing! Monday will be the first lesson. I will feel you in more after that! Till next time...
Some Humor
The House Painter: A woman wants the inside of her house painted. She calls a contractor in to help her. After introductions, they wander around the house, and she points out the colors she wants. She says, "Now in the living room, I'd like to have a nertral beige, very soft and warm". The contractor nods, pulls out his pad of paper and writes on it. Then he goes to the window, leans out and yells, "Green side up!"!
The woman in most perplexed but she lets it slide, they wander into the next room. She says, "In the dining room I'd like a light white, not stark, but very bright and airy". The contractor nods, pulls out his pad of paper and writes on it. Then once more he goes to the window, leans out and yells, "Green side up"!
The woman is even more perplexed but still lets it slide. They wander further into the next room. She says, "In the bedroom I'd like blue. Restful, peaceful, cool blue." The contractor nods, pulls out his pad of paper and writes on it. Then once more he goes to the wondow, leans out and yells, "Green side up"!
This is too much. The woman has to ask. So she says, "every time I tell you a color, you write it down, but then you yell out the window, 'Green side up.' What on earth does that mean?"
The contractor shakes his head and says, "I have four blondes laying sod across the street".
The woman in most perplexed but she lets it slide, they wander into the next room. She says, "In the dining room I'd like a light white, not stark, but very bright and airy". The contractor nods, pulls out his pad of paper and writes on it. Then once more he goes to the window, leans out and yells, "Green side up"!
The woman is even more perplexed but still lets it slide. They wander further into the next room. She says, "In the bedroom I'd like blue. Restful, peaceful, cool blue." The contractor nods, pulls out his pad of paper and writes on it. Then once more he goes to the wondow, leans out and yells, "Green side up"!
This is too much. The woman has to ask. So she says, "every time I tell you a color, you write it down, but then you yell out the window, 'Green side up.' What on earth does that mean?"
The contractor shakes his head and says, "I have four blondes laying sod across the street".
Sunday, September 03, 2006
A little suprise

I was thinking that this weather would mess up the weekend. Today was just gorgeous. This afternoon, John and I started to work on the flowerbed. I mowed the lawn and had Tessa push it around the yard. She does not think it is important to get all the grass cut. She thought I was being to picky. I guess she has a lot to learn.
I find it kind of overwhelming trying to figure out where to put everything. John is more methodical he will sit there and try to think how it will look when the plants are mature. It seems like every year we redo something. I have a hard time throwing any plants away, but it is getting to the point where I am going to have to.
We want to have little paths through the beds as they are getting to big to reach into the middle to weed. I put the little stepping stone or whatever you want to call it that Tessa made one year at Janet's into the flowerbed. Tessa still have memories of Mom and Janet not agreeing on how deep to put the little decorations. Well, they were not deep enough as now they are falling off. I am just glad to have a print of her hands. John would like to make some others that are made by us. I guess time will tell. Till next time...
Saturday, September 02, 2006
The long weekend

I was hoping that we would be able to work on the yard sometime this weekend. I know the weekend is not over, but so far it has rained and too wet to be digging in the dirt. I woke up with a headache and have not been able to shake it all day. The dreaded errands were done, with the numerous tears that always fall. It is hard for Tessa to understand why she can NOT get everything that she wants.
I asked her to come and take a little nap with me. I know that times like this will be few. They grow up and do not want to cuddle with their mom. So I guess I will just enjoy everyone that happens and put them to memory. She is still asking about orchestra. Mom and Julie both think she should try it out and see what she thinks. I guess time will tell how this all turns out. Tessa is wanting my attention as we watch this movie. Till next time...
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