John and I had the pleasure of Julie's compnay for lunch today. We went to the Green Mill and what can I say? The food was great and the conversation even better. Julies started to tell some stories, and truly I hope she puts into words this one story.
Jerry, do you remember hitting the house with your car? Julie sure does and I almost choked on my food as she told me the story. I guess as you came in whipping a cookie, she was sitting in the room next to the entry talking on the phone and felt the need to make a quick escape. If I am recalling this correctly, she remembers hearing you say, "Oh, God!" I still have to chuckle when I think about it.
John played around with the cemet making those little stepping stones. It is going to be a learning process. The one in the photo was looking so nice and then Tessa stepped on it and it cracked in half.
Tessa has made one with her name and I guess we will see tomorrow if it is ok.
Tessa is determined to take orchestra and learn to play a violin. Tonight we went and rented one for her so that she can start taking lessons at school. The photo shows her holding it, and I wonder if she will be smiling in a few weeks as she gets tired of practicing! Monday will be the first lesson. I will feel you in more after that! Till next time...
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