Wednesday, March 28, 2007

I really thought I would get back here yesterday and write. The day was just to lovely to sit down and do that. I was so excited to get out of the house by myself and just walk around and look at things. Therapy is going ok and I really do enjoy my therapist. It was really kind of strange to not have John with me though, he usually kept track of my counting and telling me to slow down. I still have him at home help me with those exercises that I have to do.

I worked on photo albums last night and listened to John and Tessa play a few games of Connect Four. I think she likes to be sneaking from what John was saying to her. He was tired last night, but gave some of his time to her. I wish she would realize and appreciate that.

I woke up to the sound of rain on the roof. It will be nice for all the dirt to be washed away. I am sure any place dealing with flooding is NOT happy to see this. I drove Tessa to school so that she would not melt. I am sure if she had an umbrella she would have walked.

I had emails from Juls that put a smile on my face. The new phone she has is leaving her kind of confused. I think we can help her with that when we see her at Easter. Brenna and I had a great talk this morning. I am looking forward to seeing her at Easter. I will be relieved when she knows what she is doing and I know she will be also. Hmm, I think I need to close for now. Till next time...

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