Monday, November 20, 2006

I was going to post last night, but Blogger was NOT working. I was once again sitting watching TV with one eye and playing with my photos with the other. I found some that I just have to share. This weekend was so quiet, that I really have nothing else to say.

John had to work yesterday, ALL DAY!!! :( Alicia came over for a bit after putting in a few hours at the hospital. She will be starting her new job on the 4th of December. I know she is very excited and I hope that it goes as she hopes.

Yesterday, I thought since I was not doing anything I would do that dance game for a bit of exercise. I was wearing less than the usual clothing, so when I heard my door open I just assumed that John was finally getting home. It was JULIE and we both ended up with strange looks on our faces. Her comment was, "OK, Grandma O'Brien!" I guess an inside joke that only family might actually understand. She was tired and took a nap before heading over to Pracs to check in.

It is the 20th of November and right I have 41 degrees on my thermometer. It is enough to make me smile. The wind is rather brisk, but I am not having to put up with snow. Just so it gets here by Christmas, is all I care about. Tessa can not wait to go to Grandma's house for Thanksgiving. Let the holiday's begin!! Jerry and Julie, I hope we can get on the cam together while we are up at Mom's?!?! Till next time...

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