Does anyone else have this problem, not enough time to get everything done? By the time I get home from work I just want to sit and relax, but how can I when the house screams 'clean me'. I noticed this lovely pair of finches at lunch. They had finally found our bird feeders. When John got home I told him about it and you know what he was doing from then on, YEP, the camera came out. I was working on supper and all John could say was, that smells deceptively good. I still am not sure I like that remark.

Hope all is well with everyone. Have a great day or night depending on where you are at!
John took the photo of the finch with my camera. I guess he just like testing it out. The eagle was shot on Sunday, I sure wish we could see the mate when we are out there. I took this shot also. Looks to be a bit windy up there in the nest.
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