Wednesday, November 14, 2007

November 14, 2007

The day started with a zipper that would not work. I must say that it was rather disappointing! The people at work always seem to put a smile on my face. Do you ever just sense if someone is having a rough time of it? This one lady left me with the feeling that it would NOT have take much to see tears. It is tough to see that and not know the rest of the story.

Alicia brought this cute little fiber optic tree for her office. I helped her set it up before I went home. Later, Tessa and I walked back to the office so that we could ride with her and Mariah to church. We first enjoyed a meal at the village Inn. I am not going to repeat the conversation on the way to Church, but Mariah had us all in stitches! I wonder where she comes up with some of the things she says. I guess she lost another tooth tonight, eating cotton candy. She really can say "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth!"

John and I were able to spend some time together, SHOPPING! I know just how much he loves it. I did some of it while he was sitting in the mall by the fireplace eating a sub. The rest was a mad dash from store to store before he had to go and get Tessa.

It looks like I will be able to work a few extra hours to make up for having Monday off. The car crapped out and the repair was EXPENSIVE!! Thank Goodness for a service man that trusted us to make payments. Time to sign off, another day finished! Till next time...

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