Saturday, August 04, 2007

Thump it good and it works.

Today John was finishing up the trim work around the till. He finally pulled the miter saw out of the basement. The one that I gave him for christmas 3 years ago. It was STILL in the box. I saw him standing near the door and asked if it was going to be hard to use. He turned to look at me as said, "Yes, if I can't get it to start!" I think my heart stopped and all the times I had said he needed to check to make sure it worked came to mind! I know it was upsetting him, and so I kept trying to keep all my thoughts to myself.

After lunch, he had gone outside and all of the sudden I heard the saw fire up. I was so excited!! I ran outside and asked what he had done. He turned to me and said he punched it. He thought if it was not going to work, a good punch could NOT hurt it. All I can say, is thank GOD! I doubt that he will NOT check to see if something works when he first gets it. How was your saturday? TIll next time...

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