1 package Oreos
1 8 oz. block of cream cheese (room temperature)
1 package almond bark
Crush Oreos - I put a row at a time in a Ziploc bag and take a rolling pin to them. You will have to scrape the sides of the bag from time to time because some of the crushed Oreos stick to it.
Blend - Add Oreos and the block of cream cheese to a mixer or food processor. Mix until it basically forms a giant black ball.
Roll mix into balls and refrigerate for a couple of hours.
Melt almond bark using the directions on the package. Take Oreo balls out of refrigerator and dip in the almond bark. Let the excess almond bark drip off and then set on parchment paper or wax paper until they are set. Refrigerate and enjoy at your leisure!!
Also - these make great eyeballs at Halloween time by pressing a chocolate chip (upside down) in the center for a pupil then making blood shot looking streaks with red food gel!! You have to put the chocolate chip in before the almond bark starts to harden.
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