This morning started with a trip to the dentist. I was shocked by how fast Tessa was in and out. I was told that they had used laughing gas on her. I had to smile as we had just had a conversation about this in the past week. Tessa had wondered what the mask thing that was used on Mariah to get her teeth filled. Tessa told me that she was so relaxed she did not need the gas. I wonder if she was relaxed before or after it was given.
I am so loving this weather, cool with sun and the occasional rain burst. I still am very entertained by the wildlife just outside my dining room window. This little pair of squirrels are just so CUTE! I took this photo through the window not so good, but you can still seem them together on this branch munching away.
Tessa went upstairs and all was just too quite. I finally checked on her to find out she had fallen asleep. She says "I stayed awake very late reading!" I have a feeling that will be a very hard habit to break once school starts again. She thinks as long as it is summer she does not need to keep regular sleeping hours.
I was realizing that soon it will be time to start looking for school supplies. I really must say I am not ready for that, as the laid back atmosphere of summer is what I like the most. I wonder what it will be like when I do not have any children in school anymore. Will summer hold the same feeling for me, or will it just become three more months that run on and on?
I received this ad in the mail today for these lilies that grow as tall as a person. The stalks are 4" in circumference and they say can hold up a bike. Can you imagine how pretty that would be? It is at times like this when I wish I had more space to put flowers. Well, time to close before I put all of you to sleep! Till next time...
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