While driving home from another session at Rehab, I started to think about what kind of a friend am I? Do I come off as a klingon, a listener, a companion? I have become very insecure in my ability to be a friend to anyone. I do have to say that after this very long, miserable winter I feel more like my old self. Who knows why, could be the weather, the sun, the flowers starting to grow, prayers of my mother, or is it a combination off it all?
I had to smile when I checked in to see what my sister had blogged on. The breaking up of friends and all the drama that can go with that. It is more messy when it involves the opposite sex, but painful no matter what. I have had the experience of watching too many friends move away. That is life, but I do wish it wasn't so easy to loose track of these 'friends'. I am not pouting, just stating facts. Gone are the days of real letters in the mail. I have one friend that has to mail cards and postcards though, as she refuses to go electronic and get a computer. Can you believe she does NOT even have a cell phone.
I had another conversation with a family member about the feeling that a friendship was changing. What could I say, but yes this does happen. You meet so many, but so few really stay with you for the long haul. Is there anything more fun than to reminisce about the good old days with such a friend. I have a friend that can remember so many details from my time at LRJC, I just have to shake my head.
Brenna is now in Bismarck. I have to be patient and wait for her to call me as she does NOT have access to internet where she is. All of you know how I am not patient. I am relieved she got that cell phone so we can get a hold of her in case of emergency. I wonder how many emergencies I can think of? Seriously, you know I am just kidding. I guess I need to quit rambling now and give John some attention. He really likes that, and I laugh as I say that. (I have this bad habit of asking to many questions!) How is everyone? Till next time...
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