Sunday, February 04, 2007

Another Sunday

I received a call from Julie asking if we could go to Prax and plug in her Jeep. I do hope it will start for her tomorrow! The Temp this bright sunny morning was a balmy -26 degreesF. I saw somewhere else on the net that we were actually -29 with out any wind. BRRRR!!! John has spend all day answering calls from work. His worker is having one of those days where is something can go wrong it is!

John and I did venture out to get the groceries that we did NOT get yesterday. Tessa stayed at home to work on her cleaning, or so she was told to do. The many calls from her stating that Nakita was freaking out every time a dog went by. I had to smile as it is what I deal with everyday. Supper is done and now it is time to relax and watch a bit of tv. Till next time...

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