Thursday, December 07, 2006

Our poor dog, well maybe now we are going to get this cleared up. I should not be surprised that it was so EXPENSIVE!! Merry Christmas, Nakita!! She is on antibiotics for the HOT spot as it was called and then I get to spray her 3 times a day. YIPPEE!! The pills I have to find treats to slip them into. I also get to spray this stuff in my house and we all have to leave for an hour. I should do this when everyone is at school and work. I just do not want to have to sit in my car by myself with the dog. I know this whole entry sounds like I am grumpy. I THINK I AM!! I could not believe when we weighed her and she had lost 10 pounds. I wish I could do that so easy. OK, I guess I need to get on with the rest of my day. Till next time...

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