Last night was Tessa's orchestra concert, combined with the band and chorus of the 4th and 5th grades. Alicia had her Christmas party for her new job so Mariah joined us for the evening. I had to smile as I watched her expression while some of the music was played. I believe that one of the remarks made was, "This hurts my ears!" I just had to kind of smile and tell her it would not be long before it was over. I was actually kind of impressed with how well they all played together. They are just learning and I know it can not be easy to learn an instrument and then get up in front of every one to play.
Tessa seems to stay so calm, where I know I would still be so nervous. Here is her little grouphttp://dakota1980.multiply.com/video/item/39 playing . I hope this works so you can see it. Alicia got to the house right after we got home, the girls were disappointed that they did not get to play together longer.
UPDATE: John's eye is getting better. The doctor took the patch off and put in clear contact like lens to cover the eye for protection. He was not able to go with out it today, so on Monday they will try to remove it again. It is a relief to have him back driving himself around. Till next time...

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