Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I hate goodbyes

Today Brenda and Rick left for the open road. I thought I would be ok with having to say goodbye. NOPE! I have been in the dumps most of the day. The house is quiet and there is no one to joke around with. Brenda and Tessa went shopping the last day she was here. Tessa finally has her fish bathroom. I now expect her to do everything upstairs and not in my room.

When I say we got Tessa's room clean, those of you that are family know what a job it was. The funniest moment was when Brenda was hanging her lights. She told me to hold her so she did not fall. I was not paying attention and she started to fall and well the body parts I ended up grabbing were a first. I also got hit with the hammer. Most of Tessa's toys ended up in the crawl space, less is better. Now to see how long this will last. Till next time...

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