I may not have been feeling all that great. I have to say that Julie was the bright spot of the day. Many of the conversations were about this photo that she had of herself on her website. The minute I saw that photo I had to ask, "what did you do to your eyes?" The answer was nothing! I am rather blown away by the color that the light has picked up in her eyes.
We had lunch with Alicia, and if any of you had actually heard the topic, well lets just say you would probably roll your eyes. I do not think there is anything like getting a few females that are really comfortable together and then watch the conversation GO OFF!
I spent most of my afternoon working on the food for supper. I do not know how many times I have said I wish I had a bigger kitchen. Julie gets so amazed by the fact I cook. It is so easy, but glad that they enjoy the end result. I made this new recipe from a pampered chef cookbook. It turned out really good and went to well with the roast.
Tessa was able to take her earrings out and wear different ones to school. I was wishing John was home to reason with her when she was all upset. She did not like the fact that it stung a little bit. OHH, I do wish I was blessed with a bit more patience. I am very glad to have been blessed with this day. Just the random moments with family members whether in person or on the phone is what life is all about. Till next time...
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