Friday, August 25, 2006


8-25-2006 001.jpg
Originally uploaded by Dakota1980.
Mariah gets to stay with us tonight. The look on her face would suggest this was torture. NO, it is simply that I asked her to smile and she knew her face was really messy. Tessa has her Bratz out and Mariah brought some of hers and let the fun begin. I guess the blow up beds are going to be used tonight. I really do not know why Tessa likes to sleep in the living room, but maybe it is easier since it is really hard to get to her bed.

Tomorrow, John, Gregg and I are driving to Mom's to get some furniture that Alicia and Gregg are going to use in their new house. She wants to stay home with the girls and get some work done at the house. Till next time...

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