I think that John and I need a vacation to recover from this week of vacation. I guess next year we should actually go somewhere so that I can not find all these fun activities to do around the house.
I will eventually put photos of the living room here as I promised. I must patiently wait for John to get them into the other computer. Julie stopped in on her way to Pracs and said she loved how it looks.
I have guessed both times Alicia's 'news'. This time it was looking at her face and jokingly asking if she was pregnant. I really did not expect her to say yes. I had to ask her a couple of times if she was serious. I really am not sure it has sunk in yet, but it WILL!
I think the comments that Mariah will be making should be written down. Where do these children get their knowledge. How did she know that Alicia should not drink and start to drink lots of milk? The fact she wished she was getting a puppy just makes me smile. She says she is going to be a big sister and Tessa gets to auntie to someone else.
I just put my family through one of my strange movie rentals. The title is not important, but music in the background was good and I am still shaking my head as to what it was all about. I am looking forward to watching another Sci-Fi flick tonight. I hope that you have all had a great weekend. Till next time...